
Saturday, December 26, 2015

Agent Alona - Missions Demo

Newest demo available on my Patreon page!

'Agent Alona - Missions' is my newest game and its newest demo is available. You can download it on my Patreon page :

Brief Introduction :
1. First of all, the game will be developed on parallel with Survivor Sarah2. SS2 will receive major updates like before while AAM will receive minor updates. But at least one event or even one mission will be added in each month.
2. The game is largely inspired by the games 'Metal Gear Solid 5' which i recently played and 'Hitman'. If you have tried the demo, you will find i am following the format of those games.
3. The game will be formed by short missions. But each of the them can be expanded into a larger one with more updates and events added and can eventually turn into a large story in each mission.
4. I think the theme 'Agent' can tell a lot of adult stories and scenes. However, in my previous Agent Alona game, it is limited by the story that they have to be related and tied together to form a complete story. However, if it is in the form of missions, more situations can be easily created.
5. And beside short missions, there will be much more especially in the base.
6. Some other characteristics of the game :
a. There will be at least 2 methods/routes to complete each mission. Alona can either fight her whole way(if she is strong enough) or look for another way that involve less fighting or even talk her way out.
b. While Alona is an elite agent at the beginning. She is still weak with no upgrade and support which the player can buy the access to weapons and other equipments to progress her in different ways.
c. Missions can be replay without starting a new game. So, player can try to complete them in different ways with a few trys. I also think it adds the immersive when replaying a scene than in the CG Room.
d. When you are in the mission, you cannot save the unless you have quit the mission. I think it adds immersive too.
e. The game won't end when Alona is defeated or failed her mission. She can restart the mission afterwards.
f. When completed a mission, Alona will receive more 'Budget' so she can spend it to upgrade. And a new variable 'Performance' is added. It will be increased when Alona has completed a mission successfully but decreased if she has failed a mission. It will affect the views on her especially in the base and possibly lead to other consequences.
7. Also, i am thinking about making the game something close to open source that when more resources like outfits, pictures....etc are created. People who are interested can create their own mission for Alona.

It seems to be pretty long for a brief introduction... I am sorry about that but thanks for reading!